Iha ligasaun ba malu ho diak

Terca, 02 Junhu 2020 “ Hanoin Sai Ida deit , Hanoin no Objetivu ida deit” (1 Korintus 1:10)   Ligasaun ema ida ba ida presica halo tuir liu fali komitmentu ida nune presica iha servico hamutuk hodi hametin relasionamento ba diak liu. Nune ita bele fo hatene ba ita nia...

Getting Along with Each Other (3)

‘…be of one mind, united in thought and purpose…’ 1 Corinthians 1:10 NLT Getting along with each other requires more than compliance, it calls for cooperation. So make sure you let the other person know their feelings are valid! Never try to talk anyone...