Aman ina nia domin nebe makaas 2

Ischak hadomi Esau maibe Rabeka hadomi Jaco (Genezis 25:28) Tan deit favoritus nebe Isak halo mosu kompetisaun entre ninia oan mane nain rua nee. Agora kompetisaun hirak nee sai kompetisaun normal no saudavel no dala barak sai boot liu tan maibe ida nee la hanesan ho...

The Power of Parental Love (2)

‘Isaac…loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.’ Genesis 25:28 NIV Isaac’s favouritism triggered rivalry between his two sons. Now some rivalry is normal and healthy and is usually outgrown, but not in Esau’s and Jacob’s case. Time only turned their rivalry into hatred....