Aman inan nia domin nebe makaas 3

Ischak hadomi Esau maibe Rabeka hadomi Jaco (Genezis 25:28) Rejeitasaun husi aman no inan bele dudu ita nia oan sira hodi halo rebeldes ho maneira extrim. Oan sira dala barak rebeldes tamba sira nia presica kona ba simu iha uma laran husi aman inan laiha ba oan sira....

The Power of Parental Love (3)

‘Isaac…loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.’ Genesis 25:28 NIV Rejection by parents can drive children to extremes of rebellion or compliance. Children often rebel out of their need for acceptance. Esau understood the principle of a marriage approved by his mum and...