Foti sai buat ispiritual ida nebe monu (1)

Bainhira sira komesa atu kanta no hananu, Nai tau emboskada hodi hasoru ema Amon, Moabe no foho Seir sira, nebe mai hasoru Juda, no sira lakon (2 Kronikas 20:22) Nee simplis maibe formula nebe efetivu hodi hasoru moris ispiritual nebe monu, David hahu iha Salmo 22 ho...

Getting Out of a Spiritual Slump (1)

‘As soon as they began singing…’ 2 Chronicles 20:22 CEV Here’s a simple but effective formula for handling a spiritual slump. Praise your way out! David starts Psalm 22 by asking, ‘God, why have You forsaken me?’ and goes on, ‘You… dwell… [where]… praises… [are...