‘…Hau nia ajuda mai husi Nai…’ (Salmo 121:2) Ita rona ka lae mane ida nebee halo orasaun, ‘Nai, ohin loron hau halo buat diak deit. Hau la konta ema, hirus, halo aat no karak ou hirus. Iha minutu balu nia laran hau sei sai husi hau nia kama laran, no hau...

In Need of God’s Help

‘My help comes from the Lord…’ Psalm 121:2 NKJV Did you hear about the guy who prayed, ‘Lord, so far today I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, lost my temper, been nasty, greedy or grumpy. But in a few minutes I’m gonna have to get out of bed, then I’m...