Tuir Ita Nia Dalan Ka Maromak Nia Dalan?

‘…Nia guia ema nebe haraik aan iha dalan nebee loos…’ (Salmu 25:9) Ita rona kalae konaba feto idozu ida nebee mak buka osan hodi sustenta sira nia aan ho faan sasan iha dalan ninin? Loron-loron bainhira nia too iha kruzamentu (perempatan) nia sei soe ai...

Your Way or God’s Way?

‘He guides the humble in what is right…’ Psalm 25:9 NIV Did you hear about the old lady who earned a living by selling her goods beside the road? Each day when she came to a certain intersection she would toss a stick up into the air. Whichever way the stick...