‘Depois Nai dehan mai hau, “o nia matan hare diak, tamba Hau hakaas aan atu halo tuir Hau nia liafuan.” (Jeremias 1:12) Bainhira o hasoru dadauk perigu. Livru Salmu hateten: Hau sei hatete ba Nai, “O mak hau nia subar fatin no O mak hau nia Abrigu. O mak hau nia...

Stand On God’s Word (1)

‘I am ready to perform My word.’ Jeremiah 1:12 NKJV When you are facing danger. The psalmist said: ‘This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety… my God and I trust Him. For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly...