“Maibé odamatan kloot no dalan kiʼik tebes mak lori ema ba moris (harii husi presaun).” Mateus 7:14 Karik o nia pozisaun moris nee iha dalan fahe klaran, o iha deit opsaun rua: 1) Kurva ba liman los ka ba liman karuk. 2) Ba oin ka hakiduk. Laiha duvidas katak Maromak...

Don’t Pray Yourself Out Of Faith

‘When you pray, believe.’ Mark 11:24 NKJV Charles Haddon Spurgeon, ‘The Prince of Preachers’, said: ‘Believe God until… you can thank Him for the answer. If the answer still tarries outwardly, do not pray in such a way that it’s evident you’re not believing for it....