‘Benefísiu ezersísiu fíziku.’ ~ 1 Timoteu 4:8 NKJV Bainhira ó tama ona ba iha idade haatnulu, limanulu, no neennulu, ó sei komesa ladún ativu ona. Feto ida halo komitmentu ba nia moris tomak atu la kosar. Ema seluk dehan katak razaun ida husi halo jogging mak atu ema...

Start Exercising

‘Bodily exercise profits.’ 1 Timothy 4:8 NKJV As you move into your forties, fifties, and sixties, you’ll tend to become more sedentary. One woman made a lifelong commitment not to sweat. Another one joked that the only reason for jogging was to look better at her...