‘Jonatan nia laran monu kedas ba Davi, Jonatan hadomi tebes Davi hanesan nia hadomi nia aan rasik.’ (1Samuel 18:1) Moras teb-tebes bainhira o deskobre katak laos ema hotu-hotu iha interese nebee diak iha sira nia hanoin. Tan nee, o presija aprende hodi sai matenek, no...

The Value of a Confidant

‘The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.’ 1 Samuel 18:1 KJV It hurts when you discover that not everyone has your best interests at heart. So you must learn to be more discerning, and know on what level to interact...


 ‘Ami nia kbiit mai husi Maromak. ‘2 Korintu 3:5 Konselheira Kristaun Dr. Ann Shorb hakerek: ‘kada dader hau hetan suplementus nutrisaun. Kada ida-idak iha buat ruma nebe hau presija, maibe laos ida deit naton hodi fornese ba buat hotu. Tuir mai iha suplementus...

Your Daily ‘Spiritual Supplements’

‘Our sufficiency is from God.’ 2 Corinthians 3:5 NKJV Christian counsellor Dr Ann Shorb writes, ‘Each morning I reach for an assortment of nutritional supplements. Each has something I need, but not one by itself is enough to provide everything.’ Here are the...


 ‘No bensaun hotu ne’e, sei akontese ba imi no imi sei hetan bensaun ne’e sei imi rona tuir Nai imi Nia Maromak nia lian. ‘Deuteronômio 28: 2 Bensaun barak mai ho kriteriu: “ Se o tebes dunik rona Maromak nia lian… Bensaun sira ne’e sei to’o iha o. “(Ulangan 28: 1- 2)...