‘Se mak ran sae lalais, hanesan ema beik, maibe ema matenek pasiensia. ‘Provérbios 14:17 NKJV Verdade mak bainhira o nia emosaun hasai buat nebe diak liu husi o nian aan, nia revela buat nebe aat husi ita nian aan. Biblia hateten buat tolu kona ba hirus nebe lalos no...

Anger Management (2)

‘A quick-tempered man acts foolishly.’ Proverbs 14:17 NKJV The truth is that when your temper gets the best of you, it reveals the worst of you. The Bible says three things about unrighteous anger that you need to keep in mind: (1) It’s stupid. Simple as that. ‘A...