‘Bainhira nia sei dook hela, nia aman hare tiha ona husi dook. ‘Lucas 15:20 ESV Biblia konta kona ba oan nebe lakon: ‘Bainhira nia sei dook hela, nia aman hare tiha ona nia no senti hanoin teb-tebes, no halai ba hakuak no rei nia oan. ‘(Lucas 15:20 ESV). Verdade mak,...

Come Back To God!

‘While he was still a long way off.’ Luke 15:20 ESV The Bible says concerning the Prodigal Son: ‘While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.’ (Luke 15:20 ESV) The truth is, you’re not beyond the...