‘Nia nebee fahe, fahe ba ho laran moos.’ Roma 12:8 Biblia hatete: No ita iha prezenti oi-oin tuir grasa nebee ita simu ona. Entaun mai ita uza prezenti sira nee: se profesia, uza tuir ita nia fiar.’ (Roma 12: 6-8) Ema hotu ne’ebé fiar simu laran-di’ak hodi...

Thoughts On Giving (2)

‘If it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously.’ Romans 12:8 NIV The Bible says; ‘We have different gifts… If a man’s gift is… contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously.’ (Romans 12:6–8 NIV) Every believer receives grace for...