‘Halo tuir sira nebee lidera imi no hakruuk ba sira.’ Ebreu 13:17 Too imi aprende atu respeitu autoridade, imi sei nunka hetan kualifikasaun atu simu. Tanbasa? (1) Tanba imi sei laiha kredibilidade (2) Tanba imi la komprende loloos saida mak signifika seguidor. Ohin...

Respect Authority (1)

‘Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive.’ Hebrews 13:17 NKJV Until you learn to respect authority, you will never be qualified to be given any. Why? (1) Because you will have no credibility. (2) Because you won’t really understand what it means to be a...


‘Uza tempu ne’ebe iha.’ Efezu 5:16 John Wesley nia moris mak ezemplu di’ak ida kona-ba prinsípiu husi Biblia ne’ebé dehan: ‘Uza tempu ne’ebe iha.’ Nia halo serbisu haklaken loron ida dala tolu durante tinan 54 nia laran, no nia haklaken dala 44,000 liu iha...

Make The Most Of Your Time

‘Making the most of your time.’ Ephesians 5:16 NASB The life of John Wesley is a great example of the Scriptural principle ‘making the most of your time.’ He averaged three sermons a day for 54 years, preaching a total of more than 44,000 times in his life. In doing...


‘Lori fali hau no hau sei fila fali.’ Jeremias 31:18 Biblia hatete ba ita: ‘Isak nia atan sira kee rai iha rai tetuk no sira hetan bee matan ho bee nebee suli sai. Bibi atan sira hosi Gerar istori malu ho Isak nia bibi atan sira no dehan, “Bee nee mak ami nian.” No...