‘No Sansão bolu ba NAI no dehan, “Oh Nai Maromak, favór ida, hanoin hetan hau. Favór ida, halo hau forti dala ida tan.’ Juis 16:28 Iha komarka, Sansão halo orasaun hodi dehan: ‘No Sansão bolu ba NAI no dehan, “Oh Nai Maromak, favór ida, hanoin hetan hau. Favór ida,...

It’s Not Too Late For You

‘God, give me strength just one more time!’ Judges 16:28 GWT In prison Sampson prayed: ‘Please strengthen me one more time… Then Samson pushed against the pillars with all his might… And the temple crashed down upon the Philistine leaders and all the people. So those...