‘Maromak nia laran luak.’ Roma 12: 1 Paulo hakerek: ‘Nunee hau husu imi, maun-alin sira, tanba Maromak nia laran luak, atu foo imi nia isin nudar sakrifísiu moris nian, nebee santu no Maromak bele simu. Ida nee mak imi nia ministériu espirituál nian. Keta halo tuir...

Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty

‘God is good.’ Romans 12:1 CEV Paul writes, ‘God is good. So … offer your bodies to Him as a living sacrifice …Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him.’ (Romans 12:1–2 CEV) There are two ways to understand God’s sovereignty [authority,...