‘Nunee Faraó hataan, “Aban.” Exodo 8:10 Susar hotu ne’ebé Maromak haruka ba rai-Ejitu halo funu hasoru sira-nia maromak ida. Porezemplu, ema Ejitu adora maromak-feto ida ho ulun-manduku, entaun Maromak haruka manduku ba sira. Ikusmai Farao bolu Moises no dehan:...

Do It Today!

‘He said, “Tomorrow.”’ Exodus 8:10 NKJV Every plague God sent on Egypt mocked one of their gods. For instance, the Egyptians worshipped a goddess with the head of a frog, so God sent them a lot of frogs. Finally, Pharaoh called for Moses and basically said, ‘All...